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Our Lawn Fertilization Program

  Over 70 Years of Experience  |  Family Owned

Two-Year Labor Warranty 
Over 70 Years of Experience 
Family Owned

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Let us take the work and worry out of having a beautiful and vibrant lawn!

Keep your yard healthy with the help of our expert crew. 
Soulliere Landscaping Patio & Garden Center OFFERS A PROGRAM THAT CONSISTS OF five applications of granular fertilizer to promote steady, strong growth of your lawn. 
We also provide weed control services using organic or synthetic fertilizers. 

At Soulliere Landscaping & Garden Center, we can diagnose and recommend treatment for all insects, diseases, and environmental conditions that affect trees and plant health.

N-P-K: Three Essential Nutrients Found in Fertilizers

  • Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for plant growth, development, and reproduction. Unfortunately, it’s the most deficient essential plant nutrient worldwide.
  • Phosphorus is essential for all living organisms. A plant must have phosphorus to complete its normal production cycle.
  • Potassium (K) is required for plant growth and reproduction. Potash is defined as K2O and is used to express the content of various fertilizer materials containing potassium.

Email us any fertilizing pricing questions!


Custom Fertilization Options

  • Core aeration prevents excess lawn thatch or heavy compaction under the grass surface. It can also starve the roots of essential elements. Compacted soils have too many solid particles in a certain volume of space. Plug cores removed from the ground allow water, air, and nutrients to get down to the ground. Deeper, stronger roots mean thick lush lawns, which require less water. 
  • Tree / shrub fertilization program: Two applications of fertilizer scheduled with inspection and treatment, if needed, help keep all of your ornamental healthy and in top growing condition. Your trees and shrubs represent a growing investment worth protecting.
  • Insecticides / fungicides are used to control unwanted disease and insect damage.
  • Tree injections are a very effective way of curing many tree problems such as insects, diseases and nutrient deficiencies. These are injected directly into the trunk within 12" of the ground. Each injection is about 4" to 6” apart around the entire circumference of the tree. The product is immediately available in the cambium layer just underneath the bark and is quickly translocated within 48 hours into the branches and upper canopy. It is superior to any liquid or granular applications. Also, it can be used as a preventative and suppression. This technique is highly recommended to protect your investment in your trees.
  • Soil testing is a soil sampling of different areas of your lawn. We send the samples out for analysis, which will let us know levels of NPK and minerals to help us keep your lawn in great shape. 
  • Grub control
    Insecticides used for grubs can be separated into two groups based on how they work: preventive chemicals and curative chemicals. Preventative insecticides control with one application in June / July for all seasons. The active ingredient in this chemical will not kill grubs in spring. The most effective option is a preventative way. The curative chemical is applied in spring and late summer / fall. It will kill grubs very quickly while they are eating the roots and doing damage. The lawn should be mowed prior to the application so no weeds are flowering in the lawn when the insecticide is applied. These active ingredients can be toxic to bees if they visit flowers that were recently sprayed. Mowing prior to making the application will avoid this problem by removing the flowers. The chemical will need to be watered onto the plants.
    - Milky spore is a natural way to get rid of grubs. Developed by the USDA, a milky spore bacteria control the stage of the Japanese beetle and does not harm beneficial insects. Once the grub ingests the spore, it begins to multiply. Just one spore will multiply into three billion new spores in each grub. After the grub dies, in about a week it will release billions of new spores back into the soil. Once back in the soil, it will stay dormant until the grub returns and repeats the cycle. This needs to be applied in spring, summer, and fall for two consecutive years. It is guaranteed for 10 years after the sixth application.

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Soulliere Landscaping Patio & Garden Center

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