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  Over 70 Years of Experience  |  Family Owned

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Bulk Materials for Building a Beautiful Landscape 

With a full range of HIGH-QUALITY natural soil products, amendments, and aggregates, Soulliere Landscaping Patio & Garden Center is committed to being your one source for all your landscape material needs.

Click on the pictures or call us for more information!

All of these materials can be picked up or delivered usually on the same day.


Natural Mulches:

Cedar Mulch                   

Hardwood Mulch

Pine Bark Mulch

Dyed Hardwood Mulches:

           Black Mulch

           Brown Mulch

           Red Mulch

Cushion Mulch:

Playground Mulch


Stones by the yard:


21AA crushed concrete 

3/4" Limestone

pea stone

3/4" Cobblestone

2" - 3" Cobblestone


Click to Learn More About Our Sands & Stones

Soils and Sands



Compost/Topsoil Mix


2NS sand or sharp sand

Pool / mason sand


Click to Learn More About Our Soils

Calculating Aids

Measuring for Soil
Measure the area needed to cover in square feet. Then determine the average depth you need to fill. Use the table below to find the number of yards needed. Calculations are approximate, so usually it is best to order extra. 
*adjust for compaction
Sq. Feet Covered 2" deep 3" deep 4" deep 6" deep 9" deep 12" deep
200 sq ft 1 1/3 yards 2 yards 2 2/3 yards 4 yards 6 yards 8 yards
300 sq ft 2 yards 3 yards 4 yards 6 yards 9 yards 12 yards
400 sq ft 2 2/3 yards 4 yards 5 1/3 yards 8 yards 12 yards 16 yards
500 sq ft 3 1/3 yards 5 yards 6 2/3 yards 10 yards 15 yards 20 yards

Measuring for Covering Ground With Bark, Mulch or Stone

Measure the area needed to cover. Shredded bark usually covers 125 sq ft per yard at 2" depth. Stone usually covers between (586) 776-2811 sq ft per yard, depending on the size of the stones. The larger the stone the less the coverage.
Formulas for Measurements:
  • Sq. ft. = length x width
  • Diameter = distance across circle
  • Radius = center of circle to outside
  • Linear ft. = length
  • Area of circle = radius x radius x 3.14
  • Circumference of circle = diameter x 3.14
  • Cubic area = length x height x width

Learn More About

Soulliere Landscaping Patio & Garden Center

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